chatty cafe

23 09, 2023

October 2023


Hello everyone, we hope you are all well! We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who joined us for our Open Day at the end of August. It was possibly our busiest open event yet, and it was fantastic to see so many new and returning faces joining us to support [...]

October 20232023-09-23T11:23:40+01:00
25 08, 2023

September 2023


Hello everyone, we hope you are all well! We've had such a busy time this month getting ready for our long-awaited relaunch of the new and improved Old School Cafe! Read more about that, and get tempted by our new menu of delicious treats, via this link. All are welcome to join us on our [...]

September 20232023-08-25T14:13:48+01:00
25 05, 2023

Vacancy: Cafe Supervisor


Are you a friendly, patient, and organised person looking for a part-time job that makes a difference? We are looking for someone with catering experience and an understanding of mental health to help run our community cafe, which will be relaunching later this summer. This is a permanent position and will involve working alongside volunteers [...]

Vacancy: Cafe Supervisor2023-05-25T15:21:05+01:00
11 02, 2020

New courses for February and March


Hi everyone! The centre is busier than ever, and we have taken the new year as an opportunity to introduce a wider variety of courses with the help of other organisations. Our course leaflet can be downloaded by following this link: February and March courses 2020 In addition to our regular courses, we are very [...]

New courses for February and March2020-02-11T11:36:17+00:00
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